Braising Steak in Slow Cooker Recipe – Delicious and Easy

Braising steak in slow cooker is a cut of meat that’s perfect for slow cooking. Perfectly braised steak, simmered in a pot over low heat and slowly tenderized, bathed in flavourful juices until fork-tender, is a delight for any carnivore.

it’s a cooking feat that primarily utilizes the slow cooker, a household gadget that does magic when armed with the right cut of meat – the braising steak in slow cooker.

Braising Steak In Slow Cooker

For the discerning gourmand, the braising steak is a stellar choice. It’s not the most luxurious cut, but when cooked slowly, it takes on a texture that is incomparable, succulent, and velvety, making it the ideal choice for a slow cooker.

Slow cooking a braising steak allows it to tenderize and infuse with flavor gradually. Contrastingly, other cooking methods can often lead to overcooking or undercooking this tricky cut. This guide will navigate you through the art of braising steak in a slow cooker, providing tips on choosing the right meat, searing, seasoning, and perfecting the sauce.


  • A beautiful piece of braising steak requires a few yet crucial ingredients. Besides the star player, the braising steak, you’ll need
  • good-quality beef broth,
  • Onions,
  • Garlic, and
  • Carrots,
  • A good splash of red wine, while optional, can give a remarkable depth to the flavor.
  • Seasonings like rosemary, thyme, salt, and pepper are standards but feel free to incorporate your personal touch with other herbs and spices.


Start by searing the steak on each side until a deep brown crust forms.

Set the meat aside, and in the same pan, sauté onions, garlic, and carrots until softened and a bit caramelized.

In your slow cooker, add the browned steak, sautéed vegetables, beef broth, wine, and your chosen seasonings.

Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours. Halfway through, taste and adjust seasonings if necessary. Slow cooking is that simple –and the payoff is remarkable.

FAQs Commonly asked questions include, “Why is my steak tough?” Often, the steak wasn’t cooked long enough. “Does meat need to be submerged in a slow cooker?” Half to two-thirds immersed is ideal. The moisture will circulate around the pot and not dry out.

Tips and Tricks

Choosing the right cut Select a cut with good marbling – white streaks and spots of fat. This will melt away in slow cooking, giving way to an undeniably moist meat. Avoid lean cuts as they’ll likely dry out after hours in the slow cooker.

Searing the steak before slow cooking develops a complex flavor profile. It forms a brown crust that locks in the steak’s natural juices, yielding a steak that’s flavorful from edge to edge. Sear high and quick, and remember, a decent crust takes time. Don’t flip it until it releases easily from the pan.

Seasoning the steak Basic seasonings like salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme work wonderfully with this recipe. However, you can experiment and infuse international flavors. Think cumin, paprika, and turmeric for a Moroccan twist, oregano and thyme if you fancy Greek flavor.

Thickening the sauce After hours in the pot, your broth may need to be thickened. Two common thickeners are cornstarch and flour. Each has its use, but remember to introduce them correctly: cornstarch must be mixed with equal parts cold water before adding to the broth, while flour should be cooked in the pan to remove that raw flour taste.

Lastly, remember patience is key in slow cooking. It’s a culinary journey, not a race. Your reward will be fall-apart steak with mouth-wateringly good flavor that you, and anyone lucky enough to share your table, will not soon forget. Enjoy!

Braising Steak In Slow Cooker

Guide To Perfectly Braising Steak In Slow Cooker

Yield: 4 Servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 8 hours
Total Time: 8 hours 15 minutes

This slow cooker braising steak recipe is perfect for a chilly winter day. The braising steak is seared on each side until a deep brown crust forms and then slow-cooked with onions, garlic, carrots, beef broth, red wine (optional), rosemary, thyme, salt, and pepper. The result is a tender and flavorful dish that’s perfect for dinner. Enjoy!


  • Braising steak (1 pound)
  • Good-quality beef broth (2 cups)
  • Onions (2 medium-sized)
  • Garlic (4 cloves)
  • Carrots (2 medium-sized)
  • Red wine (1/2 cup) - optional
  • Rosemary (1 tablespoon)
  • Thyme (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt (1 teaspoon)
  • Pepper (1/2 teaspoon)


  1. Season the braising steak with salt and pepper on all sides.
  2. Sear the steak on each side until a deep brown crust forms.
  3. Set the meat aside.
  4. In the same pan, sauté onions, garlic, and carrots until softened and caramelized.
  5. In your slow cooker, add the browned steak, sautéed vegetables, beef broth, wine (if using), rosemary, thyme, salt, and pepper.
  6. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours.
  7. Halfway through, taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: per serving
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 264 kcalTotal Fat: 15gSaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 84mgSodium: 642mgCarbohydrates: 5gFiber: 1gSugar: 1gProtein: 27g

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